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Cannabis For Beginners: Just the Real Basics

October 4th, 2022


For thousands of years, civilizations have used cannabis as a means for emotional, physical, and even spiritual well-being.  But, despite the undeniable value that the plant has to offer, its legality has been complicated over the last several decades.  Now, with cannabis laws changing rapidly around the country, we have access to its properties like never before.  If you’re new to the cannabis market, we’re here to help you navigate it with the knowledge you need to make personalized choices for the most positive results possible.

What Exactly is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a plant genus that is well-known for two species: marijuana and hemp. These two plants are extremely similar, and even share the same chemical compounds between them.  The difference is how these compounds are configured in each species, allowing each one to produce different results.

Marijuana is classified as a psychoactive plant, because it contains a high concentration of a cannabinoid compound called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).  Today’s marijuana plants can yield as much as 30% THC, making the plant quite intoxicating.  By contrast, the hemp plant contains about 0.3% THC – not close to enough to make it psychoactive – while having high levels of CBD (cannabidiol) – up to about 25%, while marijuana yields around 1%.

What are the Compounds in Cannabis?

We always hear about the fascinating properties found in both hemp and marijuana, leading to effects that can positively impact the way that we feel on a profound level.  This comes from the unique chemical compositions of each plant, as each contains hundreds of individual compounds primarily found in their flowering buds.  There are 4 particularly useful categories of compounds that exist in both hemp and marijuana.

  • Cannabinoids: Cannabinoids are the compounds in cannabis that make the plant so unique in nature. These are compounds that work with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is a complex system that keeps us in homeostasis.  Cannabinoids attach to the body’s cannabinoid receptors, found in all systems throughout the body, and this process regulates functions like mood, inflammation, immunity, digestion, neurological function, physical discomfort levels and more.  There are over 100 cannabinoids in any given cannabis plant.
  • Terpenes: Terpenes are another class of compounds in cannabis, and in all plant life. Over 100 terpenes exist in cannabis, and the configuration of them determines the plant’s strain.  Not only do terpenes decide the flavor and aroma of the plant, but they also offer their own valuable properties that can influence how we feel physically and mentally, which is why each strain offers unique effects.
  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are nature’s antioxidants, fighting free radicals in the body. They’re found in many plants, including fruits and vegetables.
  • Phytonutrients: Cannabis also contains amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins.

Cannabis Products: What’s Legal, and What Isn’t?

One thing that makes the cannabis market complicated is legality.  Federal law is pretty straightforward – marijuana is illegal, and hemp is legal only if products containing hemp extracts maintain no more than 0.3% delta 9 THC.  But then we have state laws, which can vary.  In our home state of North Carolina, marijuana is strictly prohibited, but states are generally much more lenient when it comes to hemp.  All of the products that we carry are legal under federal law, and legal in the state of North Carolina.

Is Hemp Safe For Daily Use?

A question that we get asked a lot is whether or not it’s advisable to consume hemp daily.  The simple answer is yes.  In fact, it’s encouraged, because cannabinoids work cumulatively, meaning that they can produce better results over time when taken consistently.  Hemp is a non-toxic plant for humans, and so we can generally tolerate it daily, even in high doses.

Green Life Remedies: Your One-Stop Shop for Your Hemp-Related Needs

Ultimately, your hemp experience is only going to be as good as the retailer you’re buying it from.  With the market being so in-demand these days, there are varying quality standards across different manufacturers.  At GreenLife Remedies, you can know you’re getting only pure, lab-tested hemp extracts blended with clean, gentle ingredients, in concentrations that are potent enough to give you the results you’re looking for.  Explore our collection of hemp products today to discover what this plant can do for you.