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CBD For Dogs: Good News For Your Fur Friend

July 31st, 2019


When it comes to your fur bestie, you only want to see them healthy and happy!

The good news is that dog owners are discovering that CBD can be an amazing natural treatment and supplement for their pooch! Some of the most common conditions that dogs suffer from have been naturally treated with CBD. Also, many pet owners have reported that a small supplemental dose of CBD daily has improved their dog’s general health and well-being. Let’s take a look at the various ways CBD might benefit your dog.

What Does CBD Do for Dogs?

* Pain Relief

* Anti-inflammatory

* Stress Relief

* Anticonvulsant (seizures)

* Antiemetic (nausea)

* Promotes Homeostasis (brings the body to balance)

CBD provides the same benefits for both dogs and humans. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is found in all mammals (Yes! Humans are mammals!) CBD interacts on the Endocannabinoid System, which is present throughout the brain, organs, muscles, tissues, skeleton and immune system in dogs, as well as humans. It is this interaction that provides the therapeutic benefits of CBD.

CBD For Dogs’ Pain, Anxiety and Gastrointestinal Tract Conditions

One of the most popular uses of CBD for dogs is for pain associated with surgical recovery, arthritis, osteoarthritis and the gastrointestinal tract. CBD is a safe, natural, non-toxic and non-psychoactive alternative to pharmaceutical medications that often have serious side effects. This is very good news for dogs that suffer from chronic pain from immune and neurological conditions. They can be consistently dosed, in small, yet effective doses, which provide a reduction in pain and helps with your dog’s daily movement and activity.

Also, CBD provides support for your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, which can facilitate both a therapeutic and preventative measure for a healthy doggie gut!

When it comes to pain and discomfort from arthritis, surgical recovery or any kind of condition, dogs commonly become anxious and irritable. One of the most sought after uses for CBD is for anxiety. CBD provides a natural calming effect as well as a lift in mood. This is also beneficial for nervous or high-strung dog breeds that often act out with incessant barking, nipping and other undesirable behaviors. So, daily CBD doggie treats might just be the answer to your dog’s unruly behavior!  Your dog will love them and you will be happy that you can be best friends again!

CBD For Aging Dogs

We all have to age, even our beloved dogs; however, aging doesn’t have to mean not having a quality of life. CBD has been become a favorite of seniors, both human and canine, due to the vast array of benefits and support for enhanced golden years!

The management of ‘those little aches and pains’ that come with aging means that your dog can maintain a healthy, active doggie lifestyle throughout the senior years.

Include CBD in your dog’s daily diet and you can feel confident that you are providing your best fur friend with optimum health and well being, at any age!

Have you given your dog CBD for any condition? What was the experience and how did your dog respond? Please share with us in the comment section below!

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Where to Buy Pet CBD in Charlotte

We have plenty of pet CBD products for sale in our Charlotte store, GreenLife Remedies. Come visit us at 501 Penman Street, or give us a call at 980.819.9882 to inquire about our selection of CBD for dogs.